Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Prayer intentions for Lesson 3

~~God guides us on a path of love and order. We are transformed.

~~Divine order, guidance, abundance, and protection for the special one.

~~Patience, understanding, healing, and acceptance for Larraine, Terry and Joan.

~~May God’s cooling breeze bring relief to Central Texas.

~~Continued clarity for LaDonna.

~~Speedy healing on all levels for Bill.

~~Healing and forgiveness for all.

~~Renee’s willingness to remain open and honest with her feelings.

For these and all other prayers, spoken and unspoken, we say, "Thank you, God, for answered prayer!"


Monday, September 26, 2005

Bible Study Links

I've replaced the Crosswalk Bible study resources link with a more extensive list of online resources. It's not pretty (yet!), but it does offer 90+ websites with a wide variety of free information. Also, I haven't had a chance to double-check all the links, so if you find a "dead" link, please let me know and I'll update the list.

See you this evening!


UPDATE: 2:30pm--Reformatted & checked links--again, please let me know if you find any problems.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Gone to New Mexico

As many of you may know, my husband and I had planned to go to the Texas coast this past week...it turns out God had something else in mind. We were on the road to Port Aransas Tuesday when our hotel called and said the island was being evacuated the next day. We turned around, and went back home, deciding along the way to change our vacation plans to something completely different. After a quick hop on the internet to search for a hotel, download a couple of maps, and pack the laptops back up again...we emptied the suitcase of the beach towels and swim suits, packed a couple of long-sleeved woolen shirts, and we were off! Twelve or so hours later, and we finally arrived in Ruidoso, NM--incredible place, about as far from the beach as you could ever imagine. Thanks, God, for the change in plans...


ps We'll be back by Sunday evening, and I'll be catching up on emails then, so please be patient if you're waiting to hear from me. I will return!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Prayer Intentions for Lesson 2

~~Larraine's blessed and complete healing
~~Hurricane Rita is kind to the Gulf Coast
~~Phil and Joan's peaceful, restful, rejuvenating vacation
~~Mary Ann's perfect job in the perfect time and place
~~Safe, comfortable housing for the Hurricane Katrina evacuees
~~Cathy's loving, joyful completion of exactly the right amount of work
~~Renee's clarity in decisions of the heart

For these and all other prayers, spoken and unspoken, we say, "Thank you, God, for answered prayer!"


Monday, September 19, 2005

Online Hymnal Sites




Oremus Hymnal

Remember, these are not work safe if you have speakers that work even a little bit. The music plays automatically (you can turn it off, though) and LOUD. Have fun!


Saturday, September 17, 2005

Hot off the press!

If you still need a study Bible, they are available now at the church bookstore (Sacred Shelf). See Barry for more information...


Friday, September 16, 2005

Calendar of Daily Readings

I've added a link to the sidebar (on the top right of this page) that will take you to a page on my .mac website where I've published a calendar of daily readings. Be sure to scroll down that page to see a complete list of the readings. Clicking on any item in the list will open a small javascript window with the readings for that day. It's current through October 24 (Lesson 6, Day 7), and I'll add more later to finish out the month.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone, and I'll see you on Monday evening!


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Prayer Intentions for Lesson 1

~~Safety and comfort for those evacuated after Hurricane Katrina
~~Guidance for those in decision-making roles
~~Caryl's continued health and well-being
~~Mary Ann's new job in the perfect time and place
~~Cathy's rejuventing rest and calm, centered outlook
~~LaDonna's awareness of clarity
~~Joey's continued growth

For these and all other prayers, spoken and unspoken, we say, "Thank you, God, for answered prayer!"


Excellent turnout!

Our first Disciple class was last night, and we had a great group of folks come together to begin this journey of discovery and discipleship. For those of you who weren't able to be there, we do have a few spaces open but the class will be closed to new members after our third meeting (September 26th), so please let me know right away if you intend to join our class.


Monday, September 12, 2005

Lesson 1 Reading Schedule

Tuesday, 9/13/05
Lesson 1, Day 1: One Bible, Many Books

Wednesday, 9/14/05
Lesson 1, Day 2: Psalm 84; Hosea 11; Exodus 15:1-18 (Poetry)

Thursday, 9/15/05Lesson 1, Day 3: 1 Kings 19; 1 Chronicles 22; Acts 9 (History)

Friday, 9/16/05
Lesson 1, Day 4: Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 5-6 (Law); Micah 4 (Prophets)

Saturday, 9/17/05
Lesson 1, Day 5: Philemon (Letters); Luke 15 (Gospels)

Sunday, 9/18/05
Lesson 1, Day 6: "The Bible Teaching" and "Marks of Discipleship"

Monday, 9/19/05
Lesson 1, Day 7: Lesson 1 Meeting: The Biblical Word