Saturday, January 28, 2006

Lesson 18, Day 4 (01/27/06) Outline of Readings

Matthew 13:53-18:35 (Life and Leadership in the Church)

13:54-58 Jesus' rejection in Nazareth
14:1-12 The death of John the Baptist
14:13-21 The miraculous feeding
14:22-36 Jesus' dominion over nature
15:1-20 Conflict over tradition and authority
15:21-28 The Canaanite woman and her daughter
15:29-31 Further healings
15:32-39 The second feeding
16:1-12 Conflict with Pharisees and Sadducees
16:13-20 Peter's confession at Caesarea Philippi
16:21-28 Jesus' rebuke of Peter and nature of discipleship
17:1-8 The Transfiguration
17:9-13 The importance of John the Baptist
17:14-21 Faith and acts of power
17:22-23 Jesus' second prediction of betrayal and death
17:24-27 The question of taxes
18:1-35 The fourth discourse
18:1-9 The question about genuine greatness
18:10-35 Life and relationships within the church